ABNT20 KNHC 141739 TWOAT Tropical Weather Outlook NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 200 PM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024 For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico: Offshore of the Southeastern U.S. (AL90): Satellite data and surface observations indicate that the low pressure area offshore of the southeastern U.S. coast is moving northeastward into the open Atlantic. This system is expected to merge with with a front over the weekend, and the chances of tropical cyclone development are decreasing. Regardless of development, heavy rainfall is forecast to continue across portions of the Florida peninsula through Saturday. For more information, see products issued by the Weather Prediction Center and local National Weather Service Forecast Offices. * Formation chance through 48 hours...low...10 percent. * Formation chance through 7 days...low...10 percent. Southwestern Gulf of Mexico: A broad area of low pressure is forecast to form over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico late this weekend or early next week. Environmental conditions appear conducive for gradual development of this system, and a tropical depression could form during the early or middle part of next week while it moves slowly westward or west-northwestward. * Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent. * Formation chance through 7 days...medium...50 percent. && Weather Prediction Center products can be found at www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov and National Weather Service forecast information can be found at www.weather.gov $$ Forecaster Beven