FXUS66 KMTR 021526 AFDMTR Area Forecast Discussion National Weather Service San Francisco CA 826 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 ...New UPDATE, MARINE... .SYNOPSIS... Issued at 428 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 Cooler temperatures continue into Monday with coastal stratus developing overnight. Significant warming begins Tuesday with moderate HeatRisk across the interior regions through Thursday. && .UPDATE... Issued at 821 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 Marine layer stratus is gradually mixing out across the interior Bay Area and Central Coast, and should be pared back to the coastal areas of the San Mateo Peninsula and Monterey County by the afternoon. The forecast remains on track, with the main focus still on the significant warming trend expected later this week. For more information, see the previous discussion. DialH && .SHORT TERM... (Today and tonight) Issued at 439 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 Northwest to west winds are ushering in stratus along the coast and inland. Observations show extensively higher humidity on west winds across much of the Bay Area and north Central Coast as the southernmost extent of a long plume of water vapor across the Pacific Basin reaches the Pacific NW, and is also reaching our forecast area however without sufficient dynamics expected to result in rain here. Wind gusts are still reaching 45-50 mph at Altamont Pass in the East Bay at this hour. SFO Airport peaked 46 knots /53 mph/ yesterday evening. Winds are otherwise most places gradually lowering overnight. It's early meteorological summer (June-August) and still astronomical spring and depending on the larger scale pattern it's not uncommon for winds to get strong and gusty here in June; surface pressure gradients strengthen via surface temperature contrasts land (warm-hot) vs coastal water sea surface temps (cool to chilly). Winds again becoming gusty today into the evening, then decreasing overnight into Monday morning. Daytime highs 60s/70s coastside and bayside, farthest inland daytime highs today in the 80s. && .LONG TERM... (Monday through Saturday) Issued at 439 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 A strong long wave trough exists over the North Pacific with an extensive water vapor plume and sufficient dynamics for rain in the Pacific NW. To the south of this, subtropical ridging over the Pacific will strengthen during the week, noticeably beginning Tuesday over our forecast area which will composite first with weak long wave ridging over the western CONUS then strengthen mid to late week. This will be in the wake of a splitting trough moving eastward away from the Pacific NW reaching the east coast and moving into/forming another long wave trough. The newly developing high over the west will become nearly stationary, however there may still be just enough eastward motion of the high to bring about a southerly wind reversal here in our forecast area mid to late week. Since there is good model agreement in the synoptic pattern aside from strength differences mid to late week (the ECMWF is still warmer to hotter with 850 mb temps over the Bay Area for example), decided to issue a heat advisory for Tuesday and Wednesday for inland areas. Northerly winds, downsloping and large scale compressional warming will send temperatures upward quickly Tuesday after sunrise (solar heating). Amplification and additional compressional warming is quite likely mid to late week since the high will become isolated (area of sinking motion) while surrounded by low pressure systems (areas of upward motion). Still a fair amount of uncertainty with the marine layer, as is usual since it's a very difficult thing to try to predict, given the high level of water vapor as recently mentioned that is forecast going into Tuesday-Wednesday. A moderate to strong ACV-SFO pressure gradient (northerly wind) is forecast Tuesday-Wednesday at least, there should be some drying due to downsloping across Bay Area terrain and drying to due to compressional warming from sinking air aloft. Stay tuned to the latest updates. && .AVIATION... (12Z TAFS) Issued at 453 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 IFR across the region this morning as low stratus continues to linger over area terminals. Late clearing to VFR is expected in the morning today for most terminals, with winds increasing out of the west to become strong and gusty once more this afternoon. These stronger winds are expected to last well into the evening hours as the SFO-SAC gradient is forecast to hover around the 4.0 mb range. As winds ease slightly into the late night, LLWS is likely to develop at a select few terminals as upper level winds remain elevated. Stratus will return to most SF Bay area terminals the the late night of Sunday to early morning of Monday, bringing MVFR/IFR CIGs. There remains some uncertainty as to whether CIGs will lower or lift. With troughing exiting the region, and the periphery of ridging beginning CIG level is low confidence for late Sunday/early Monday. Vicinity of SFO...Currently LIFR, though expected to lift back into IFR territory towards sunrise this morning. Clearing to VFR is expected in the late morning near 18Z, though FEW low clouds may linger. Winds will steadily increase into the afternoon today to become strong and gusting above 35 knots. Strong winds last beyond sunset, though gusts begin to diminish towards midnight. Stratus makes a return in the evening bringing IFR CIGs. SFO Bridge Approach...Similar to SFO. Monterey Bay Terminals...IFR conditions persist through the morning, but slowly lift to become MVFR after sunrise. Clearing to VFR is expected to be late into the afternoon and only for a few hours. Winds will increase out of the west in the afternoon to become breezy, and will likely usher in the return of stratus and associated IFR CIGs in the early evening. IFR lasts well into Monday morning. && .MARINE... (Today through Friday) Issued at 821 AM PDT Sun Jun 2 2024 Winds at this hour are fresh to strong, with gales having subsided. Expect northwesterly winds to gradually diminish through the day today to become fresh to moderate. As winds ease, wind waves will decrease, and significant wave heights will gradually lessen late tonight and into Monday, becoming 7 to 9 feet generally. && .CLIMATE... Issued at 127 AM PDT Sat Jun 1 2024 Record high temperatures at the long term climate stations for June 4th and 5th: Station June 4th June 5th Santa Rosa 98 in 1949 102 in 1926 Kentfield 101 in 1981 102 in 1926 Napa 102 in 1981 105 in 1903 Richmond 90 in 1955 86 in 1983 Livermore 105 in 1960 104 in 1926 San Francisco 92 in 1949 95 in 1883 SFO Airport 92 in 1955, 1949 89 in 1972 Redwood City 100 in 1981 97 in 2002, 1972 Half Moon Bay 71 in 1955 74 in 1958 Oakland downtown 96 in 1981 87 in 2002 San Jose 98 in 1904 100 in 1926 Salinas Airport 92 in 1949 87 in 1949 King City 102 in 1981, 1957 105 in 1926 && .MTR WATCHES/WARNINGS/ADVISORIES... CA...Heat Advisory from 8 AM Tuesday to midnight PDT Thursday night for CAZ503-504-506-510-515. Heat Advisory from 8 AM Wednesday to midnight PDT Thursday night for CAZ513-514-518. PZ...Small Craft Advisory from 3 PM this afternoon to 9 PM PDT this evening for Mry Bay-SF Bay N of Bay Bridge. Small Craft Advisory until 3 AM PDT Monday for Pigeon Pt to Pt Pinos 10-60 NM-Pt Arena to Pt Reyes 0-10 nm-Pt Arena to Pt Reyes 10-60 NM-Pt Reyes to Pigeon Pt 0-10 nm. Small Craft Advisory until 9 PM PDT this evening for Pigeon Pt to Pt Pinos 0-10 nm. Small Craft Advisory until 9 AM PDT Monday for Pt Pinos to Pt Piedras Blancas 0-10 nm. && $$ SHORT TERM...Canepa LONG TERM....Canepa AVIATION...AC MARINE...RGass Visit us at www.weather.gov/sanfrancisco Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube at: www.facebook.com/nwsbayarea www.twitter.com/nwsbayarea www.youtube.com/nwsbayarea