ACUS11 KWNS 022001 SWOMCD SPC MCD 022001 TXZ000-022130- Mesoscale Discussion 1131 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0301 PM CDT Sun Jun 02 2024 Areas affected...The Trans Pecos into West Texas Concerning...Severe potential...Watch likely Valid 022001Z - 022130Z Probability of Watch Issuance...80 percent SUMMARY...Storms are expected to develop within the next 1 to 2 hours with a primary threat for large to very large hail. Severe wind gusts and a tornado or two are also possible. DISCUSSION...Towering cu have started to cluster over the Davis mountains with more robust storm development likely within the next 1 to 2 hours. A very moist airmass is in place which has yielded strong to extreme instability (3000-4000 J/kg MLCAPE). Moderate shear (~40 knots) beneath a subtropical jet streak should support supercells with large to very large hail possible. Storm coverage is the greater question with higher confidence of a few supercells from the Davis Mountains southward. North of Fort Stockton, storm coverage may remain more sparse given the lack of cu along the dryline and separation from the forcing associated with the mid-level shortwave trough approaching the Texas Panhandle. Nonetheless, if any supercells form, they will pose a threat for large hail up to baseball sized, severe wind gusts, and perhaps a tornado. ..Bentley/Smith.. 06/02/2024 ...Please see for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...EWX...SJT...MAF... LAT...LON 29190390 30680361 31960297 32460241 32560073 32100031 31250012 29590051 29120083 29560140 29690160 29710205 29700240 29700258 29360273 29040285 28900306 28900338 29190390