ACUS11 KWNS 020035 SWOMCD SPC MCD 020035 OKZ000-KSZ000-TXZ000-COZ000-020200- Mesoscale Discussion 1118 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0735 PM CDT Sat Jun 01 2024 Areas of the northern TX Panhandle into western OK Concerning...Severe potential...Watch likely Valid 020035Z - 020200Z Probability of Watch Issuance...95 percent SUMMARY...Ongoing strong to severe storms in southern KS may eventually cluster and move south into parts of the Panhandles and western OK. Additional storms are also possible farther south with a risk primarily for damaging winds and hail. A new WW will be issued shortly. DISCUSSION...As of 0035 UTC, regional radar and satellite analysis showed a loose cluster of strong to severe storms ongoing near the KS/OK Panhandle border. Some new development was also noted farther south into TX. SPC mesoanalysis shows 1000-1500 J/kg of MLCAPE and 35-40 kt of effective shear which will likely support some risk for organized updrafts capable of severe wind and hail. Hi-res guidance suggests clustering should continue into this evening, though the southern extent of the severe risk remains unclear. While storms have been slow to organize early this evening, the broadly favorable environment will support a severe risk. A new WW will be issued shortly. ..Lyons/Hart.. 06/02/2024 ...Please see for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...OUN...DDC...AMA...PUB... LAT...LON 36990219 37050103 37040025 37050013 37009851 36959815 36699796 36399814 36029859 35519938 35509979 35520043 35670151 35760202 36050215 36990219